Section 9


   1. When should I submit my report?

  • Members report to their Division leaders every month between the 1st and 10th of the month, if the Team Leader hasn't stated otherwise.
  • Division Leaders report to their respective Team Leaders every month by the 15th of the month.
  • Team Leaders and Assistant Managers (and Manager-in-Training) will report every month, by the 20th of the month, to the managers' mailing list. The purpose of the report is to outline all Team and Management activities for that period of time.
  • Senior Managers will report once a month to the Executive Council. A copy of the report will be available for members of the department to view (on request only).

   2. Where do I submit my report?

Your report can be submitted via email to the person directly above them in the chain of command (i.e. DL or TL) specifying the information located in section 4 here: Report Information.

   3. My monthly report is a few days past the deadline, what will happen to me?

Probably nothing. However, as your DL or TL may have already submitted their report, your monthly hours worked (as submitted on your form) will not be submitted to the promotion system, nor will any of your work be given due credit. While your suggestions may be considered, they may receive less attention. It is best to resubmit these, on time in the next report.

   4. Do I still need to submit my monthly report when my DL/DLiT is on leave?

Yes. No matter how many of your superiors are on leave, there will always be someone to read and process your report. Just send a copy to a superior who is not on leave.

   5. I'm unhappy with life in Trivia, shall I include this in my report?

Yes. If you are in any way dissatisfied with life in Trivia, you should make it known to your superiors - either over reports, email or IM as soon as possible and everything will be done to put your mind at ease and make you enjoy Trivia again.